A well trained diesel mechanic in india

I am currently available for work
" I came from the poor lifestyle and i become a littile bit higher because of my hardwork and Patience.
Serial No: 124649

Skills keywords: hgv diesel mechanic, hgv mechaniic, hgv technician
List Of Qualifications:

ITI DIESEL MECHANIC (NCVT trade certificate )

Interests & Hobbies:

Driving /sports

Previous Employment Details:

Techincian trainee 2020
*.Most high labour in 2021
*zero pending work in 5/8/2021
*good customer clearance 3/2/2022
promoted as assistant technician 2022

Current location: Kerala, India
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Engineering, Manufacturing and Operations
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Australia, brazil, Cameroon, Denmark, Europe, Italy, Luxembourg, new zealand, North America, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom