As an analytical chemist, I believe my wealth of industrial, laboratory, and scientific research experience, coupled with my extensive academic background should stand me out as a perfect match for opened positions in my field. I also possess an excellent organizations, human interpersonal and communication skills, plus ability to learn very fast, solve problems, and also take up new challenges. I am very sure any prospective employer will find me an excellent match for advertised positions.
Masters of Science (MSc.) In Analytical Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (BSc.) In Chemistry
I'm currently working at the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), as a Senior Scientific Officer. Here, my duties and schedules are in thorough cleaning and maintenance of laboratory glassware and equipment, preparation of samples for analysis, conducting a routine and non-routine testing and analytcal procedures using lab instruments like F-AAS, HPLC, GC, TLC, UV/spec, MP-AES, ICP-MS & OES etc.
Reading, traveling, meeting people and playing chess and scrabble games