I am a well experienced machinist, I have over eleven years of experience, I am technically orientated in reliability and maintenance activities within a clean room environment highly adapt with mechanical support.
I am highly motivated; I work well under pressure, and I always get the job done right the first time. I take pride in my work and never to scared of asking questions in order to better myself.
Welkom High
Grade 11
Department of Labour
Fitter (including Machining Red Seal) Certificate
Hydropower Equipment Certificate
G & R Hydraulics
August 2019 - to date
I am a Hydraulic Cylinder Assessor; I supply full failure reports after completing inspection of all hydraulic cylinders that come in for repairs.
Jag Hydraulics
09/09/2013 - 26/07/ 2019
I worked as a fitter and turner, doing all lathe work and all milling work. I repaired hydraulic cylinders, and we manufactured new hydraulic cylinders.
Rand Gold Resource - Mine in the DRC Congo
2010 - 2013 (Temporary Employment)
I was a plant fitter at the Gold Plant.
Craft Engineering Works
15/01/1997 - 29/10/2008
I worked as a fitter and turner; doing all lathe work, milling machine work as well as horizontal and vertical boring milling work; we also manufactured
guillotines and press brakes.
Music, Movies, Fishing, Gaming, Cooking and good conversation.