Welkom High
Grade 11
Department of Labour
Fitter (including Machining Red Seal) Certificate
Hydropower Equipment Certificate
Music, Movies, Fishing, Gaming, Cooking and good conversation.
G & R Hydraulics
August 2019 - to date
I am a Hydraulic Cylinder Assessor; I supply full failure reports after completing inspection of all hydraulic cylinders that come in for repairs.
Jag Hydraulics
09/09/2013 - 26/07/ 2019
I worked as a fitter and turner, doing all lathe work and all milling work. I repaired hydraulic cylinders, and we manufactured new hydraulic cylinders.
Rand Gold Resource - Mine in the DRC Congo
2010 - 2013 (Temporary Employment)
I was a plant fitter at the Gold Plant.
Craft Engineering Works
15/01/1997 - 29/10/2008
I worked as a fitter and turner; doing all lathe work, milling machine work as well as horizontal and vertical boring milling work; we also manufactured
guillotines and press brakes.