Office assistant seeking work in selected country

I am currently available for work
" I am the perfect candidate for a position because of my combination of relevant experience, skills, and passion for the role. "
Serial No: 125656

Skills keywords: customer support skills, housekeeping supervisor, office assistant
List Of Qualifications:

Higher secondary education, Laptop hardware diploma, photography

Interests & Hobbies:

Swimming, fishing, singing, imitating voice,

Previous Employment Details:

Esaf swasraya multi State agro co operative credit society , esaf micro finance and investment ltd

Current location: United Arab Emirates
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  customer service, Hotel and Catering, Travel and Tourism
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
Location I am interested in working: Australia, austria, canada, Central America, china, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, new zealand, Poland, Saint Helena (UK), Singapore, switzerland, United Arab Emirates