Physiotherapist seeking care related jobs in UK

I am currently available for work
" I have worked as a physiotherapist in a primary health care center. I was in charge of rehabilitating the patients to get back on their feet. I provided essential support to the patient that helped them in bed sitting to chair sitting to standing. I made the patient mobilize with support. While treating the patient i considered their age, sex, strength of the patient, the patients capacity and capabilities, personal preferences of the patient.
Serial No: 125253

Skills keywords: care assistant, manual therapy, pediatrics, physiotherapist
List Of Qualifications:

Licensed physiotherapist
Certified manual therapist
Certified dry needling practitioner
Certified kinesio taping practitioner

Interests & Hobbies:

Gardening, cooking,

Previous Employment Details:

I worked as a physiotherapist which was a part of a multidisciplinary team which consisted of doctors, physiotherapist, nurses, social services worker and dieticians. During my service i have treated and taken care of hundreds of patients.
I Made sure that the patients were mobilized, and they had done their regular exercises. As a team we all worked together in giving the best care available for the patients.

Current location: Kerala, India
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing, education and training, General Management
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
Location I am interested in working: United Kingdom, United States